Tokyo - Shinjuku
Our morning started quite early on this day. We decided to go to the Toyosu fish market. This was a pretty good experience, we got to see how the tuna was handled at an industrial scale. pretty interesting and fun thing to see . Afterwards we stoped by the sushi shops they had there and had our first sushi of the vacation. I have no complaints, shit was nice; a little pricey but thats alright, Japanese prices are so cheap right now I have nothing to complain about.
Currently the Japanese yen to dollar ration is 176 yen to 1 USD
After our first sushi experience in Japan we walked a bit and took the metro to a Modern art muesem where the theme was all about feeling and reconecting with your... feet.Before arriving ofcorse we had to get completely soaked which wasnt the worst except non of us had a coat besides aiden. Id have to say the worst part of this was the lack of visability due to the rain. Tokyo is a beautiful city and this is my first time, every oportunity I get to see its arcitecture is great for me.(unfortunately I lost my camera so here is a pic fro one of the guys. Now this didnt really compare to that time I went to a light show in Berlin, however this was different. Walking through the exhibit with my bare feet was strange at first but welcoming, there were a few water, light, nature and fabric exhibitions. My favorite was the light and water.
Now I'm Im happy we went but there is no way im going again, it wasnt that special. I would reccomend going if you have enough time on your hands and youre into that kind of stuff. Allot of local tinder bios had photos taken here hahaha.
After Planet Labs we went to Ginza for some some food and shopping. We met up with my good friend Manu once more and got some great dinner at a local resturaunt. It was alittle expensive, but once again its the Yen... litterally feels like spending monopoly money.
After finishing a great dinner we decided to do a little shopping where I picked up a nice pair of long black althetic dress pants and 3 oversized T-shirts. Naturally dawson had to bitch about me shopping cause hes a little slut(hes currently complaining about having to sit outside on the curb waiting for me to finish... fat little SLUT is what he is).
I digress; afterwards we bid a temporary farwell to Manu and went back to our airbnb. After arriving we dropped of what we had bought and decided to go out to shibuya tower. it was pretty nice however due to bad weather we were unable to go to the outside deck. We enjoyed eachothers company and after that Nick and Aiden decided to head home for the night. Dawson and I left to go grab some ramen and after a slight delay(1hr) we met up with Manu outside Shibuya station.
I cant remember which bar we went too but drinks were bought and politics was discussed. Including to my horror, my first nights escapades. After this we went to a club where we met up with some more of manu's friends and got unhealthily drunk. I am mostly to blame for this, I was buying drinks left and right for just about everyone including myself and Dawson. At some point in time we decided to leave... the rest will be left out as it was a night not a night to be remembered. The shibuya incident.
We got home very later or very early, pick your poison. We picked booze and it did not end well.